Is it possible that the official story of what happened on
September 11th 2001 is an implausible theory
unsubstantiated by the facts? Since the government's
theory has been proven flawed and their investigation is
widely recognized as being misleading and inadequate,
shouldn't we objectively analyze and question it?
Shouldn't all who work for peace, progress and advancing
political process be informed?
have studied the questionable nature of the official
version of what really happened to America on 9/11 for a few years. Based on
our research from various sources, we are
convinced that the U.S. government committed a vicious
criminal act against its own citizens for the larger
purpose of swaying us to support both domestic and foreign
policies. 9/11 was Hitler's Reichstag fire of 1933 and
FDR's Pearl Harbor masterfully coordinated to achieve the
desired ends of an imperialistic role for America in the
world, patriotic support at home and the erosion of the
constitutional rights.
If you consider yourself a rationalist, and assume that
the U.S. government couldn't possibly have carried out the
9/11 attacks. Your ability to have such common sense
should be applauded. However, the downside is that simple
observation is a skill denied to rationalists, who are
only allowed to see things that they deem to be rational.
Even though you may not know why the U.S. government
carried out the 9/11 attacks or the logistics of how they
participated in the attacks does not mean that they did not play a role in the attacks. The truth is stranger than fiction: the planes you see
below were probably flown by remote control to intercept
the flight paths of AA11 and UA175.
First plane hits the North Tower
Footage captured by the Naudet brothers
Second plane crashes in the South Tower
Is the flying mystery object a giant piece of debris or a radar-guided missile?
The collapse of the WTC Twin Towers was a controlled
Our webpage is dedicated to the lives that were lost on
September 11, 2001. It is recommended to be viewed at screen resolution 1024 X
All materials on this non-commercial site are
distributed without profit to anyone who have expressed
interest in receiving the information related to 9-11 for research and
educational purposes only.